School Site Council
California law requires that each public school will convene a school site council which is charged with development and approval of the school's improvement plan.
Who is on a school site council?
The law defines the role of each member of the school site council. At all levels the group shall include:
The number of non-school staff (parents, students and community members) must equal the number of school staff. A staff member of the school who is also a parent cannot serve as a non-school staff member. Of the staff members, the majority must be teachers. For example, if there are two non-teaching staff members and the principal on the site council, there must be at least four teachers on the council and 7 parents, students or community members.
How do I become involved?
School Site Council meetings are public and prior notice must be given before the council meets to take any action. All parents and community members are welcome to attend meetings.
Individuals who wish to serve on a site council should speak with their school principal who will inform them of the dates, times and method of election for any open positions on the council. If you have questions or concerns that your principal is unable to address, please contact our Student Learning and Assistance Office at 979-8049.
- the school principal;
- teacher representatives elected by fellow teachers;
- other school staff elected by their peers;
- parents of students currently attending the school and selected by other parents;
- and, in secondary schools, student representatives selected by other students.
September 17, 2024
October 15, 2024
Bella Vista Site Council
Oct 15, 2024
3:40 Zoom
Agenda Item Notes
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes from September 17, 2024
- Changes/Additions to Agenda
- Public Comment
- Student/Committee Report (Levi McCarty, Samiya Batta, Aubrey Menne)
- School Activities/events
- Principal’s Report
- School news/update
- Old Business
- Safety Update
- New Business
- Review Site Council request for funds
- Request Amendment to SPSA Plan
- Future Items
- Safety Plan
- Adjournment
November 19, 2024
Bella Vista Site Council
November 19, 2024
3:40 pm in the Large Conference Room at Bella Vista
Agenda Item Notes
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes from October 15, 2024
- Changes/Additions to Agenda
- Public Comment
- Student/Committee Report (Levi McCarty, Samiya Batta, Aubrey Menne)
- School Activities/events
- Principal’s Report
- School news/update
- Old Business
- New Business
- Review Site Council request for funds
- Safety Plan
- Future Items
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Adjournment
December 17, 2024
Bella Vista Site Council
December 17, 224
3:40 pm on Zoom
Agenda Item Notes
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes from November 19, 2024
- Changes/Additions to Agenda
- Public Comment
- Student/Committee Report (Levi McCarty, Samiya Batta, Aubrey Menne)
- School Activities/events
- Principal’s Report
- School news/update
- Old Business
- New Business
- Review 24-25 SPSA Budget
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Future Items
- Identify changes to SPSA for 25-26
- Adjournment
Site Council Members
Meeting Dates
Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2024
Bella Vista High School Site Council
September 17, 2024
Called to order: 3:44 p.m.
Present: Mr. Clete Purinton, Samiya Albert, Melanie Walker, Levi McCarty, Matt Anselmino, David Unter, Aubrey Menne, Laura Munno, Susan Sloan, Laura Drath, Sandra DeLay
I. Introductions of all members.
II. Brief training on purpose of Site Council. Must have an agenda and minutes that reflect decisions.
Site Council reviews the SPSA as well as Safety Plan. Site council also reviews and approves expenditure of monies from the cell tower fund.
Crista Koch oversees the funds for the site.
III. Votes on elected roles for the SCC
Chairperson: Melanie Walker (Motion: Purinton, 2nd Laura Munno, all AYE)
Vice Chairperson: Laura Munno (Motion: Purinton, 2nd Walker, all AYE)
Secretary: Susan Bassett (Motion: Motion: Purinton, 2nd Munno, all AYE)
IV. Discussed the supplemental budget and the goals that support it.
a. Example: Goal 1. Student achievement and implementation of state standards (mostly academic focused). 1.6 intervention with tutoring.
b. Example: Goal 2: Student engagement and course access. 2.4 supporting men and women of color. IYT and GEMS partnerships. $10,000. 2.5 student community intervention specialist – used to hire Chris Knapp.
c. Example: Goal 3: School conditions, climate and family engagement. 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 Funding for Link Crew to support all freshmen. 3.7 intervention counselor paid for by district. 3.8 intervention team. $5,000 from LCFF. 3.18 AVID training at summer institute. 3.19 alternative interventions to suspension. Thursday school intervention for students in need.
d. 3.16 is the school cell tower fund. $27, 265 is the current balance.
LCFF: $115,000 annually for meeting the needs of our students through the 3 goal areas.
V. Safety update: Lockdown drill on Sept. 25. Staff just were trained on a program called Catapult. It is a way to account for students quickly and easily and update staff on what is happening. Teachers use an app on their phones. It also provides immediate access to district and law enforcement.
a. We may be looking at fire drill procedure changes. There may be a brief hold to allow for checking on the location where alarm goes off. Alarms have been used in active shooter situations to target large groups. That will be discussed at upcoming safety meeting and staff meetings. Safety council has staff and students on it. The fire alarms on campus are very sensitive so there is a lot to consider in making adjustments in long standing procedures.
VI. Review request for funds.
a. Amount for a TV request should be $2726.08 (not the indicated $2702.38 in the applications) for a cart, mount and all required parts.
i. Will not approve Mr. Leech’s request because Link Crew receives funds from elsewhere in the SPSA. Motion: Munno, 2nd DeLay. All AYE
ii. Mickelson requested a device $160.55. Motion: DeLay, 2nd Walker, All AYE
iii. Motion by Munno, 2nd for Perry $3500 tech fund to use throughout the year. 2nd Sloan. All AYE
iv. TV package requests - total of 6 @ $2726.08 = $16,356. 48
Lopes, Klerks, Hawkins, Maiolini, Burbridge, Orton
Motion Purinton, 2nd DeLay, All AYE
v. TV request Minsky $2187. 53 (does not require a cart)
Motion Munno, 2nd Sloan, All AYE
VII. Adjourn 4:43 p.m.
October 15, 2024
Bella Vista Site Council
Meeting Minutes
Oct 15, 2024
3:40 Zoom
Agenda Item Notes
Call to Order: 3:45 pm
Present: David Unter, Laura Munno, Susan Sloan, Sandra De Lay, Melanie Walker, Clete Purinton, Matt Anselmino, Laura Drath, Levi McCarty, Samiya Albert, Aubrey Menne
Approval of Minutes from September 17, 2024
I. Clete noticed that Susan Bassett was present at the 9/17/24 meeting but was not listed as present.
II. Approval of Minutes: (Clete motioned to approve with change of adding Susan Bassett to the minutes. Laura Munno 2nd motion. All AYE.
Changes/Additions to Agenda: Melanie asked if there needed to be any changes or additions to the agenda. NONE
Public Comment : None
Student/Committee Report (Levi McCarty, Samiya Batta, Aubrey Menne)
School Activities/events
I. Aubrey Menne shared that BV celebrated Homecoming last week. The feedback from students was that it was a lot of fun. There weren’t really any issues. The events included the Night Rally, homecoming royalty, the floats, the game on Friday, and the Dance on Saturday night. Around 1200 students attended the Homecoming Dance.
II. Clete thanked the students for all their hard work and planning. It was a fun week with a ton of school spirit.
Principal’s Report
School news/update
I. Fall Season of Activities and Sports
a. Career Day - October 23rd
i. Each student will have the opportunity to hear 3 different professional career presentations
b. PSAT Day - October 30th
i. Sophomores and Juniors are taking the PSAT’s and arrive at the normal time of 8:30 am.
ii. Seniors have a senior meeting from 11 - 11:40 am
iii. Freshman arrive at 11:40 am.
c. Fall Sports wind down in the next few weeks.
d. Winter Sports start on Monday, November 4th.
i. Students must have a physical and get cleared medically along with academically to be able to try out for winter sports.
e. Student Culture Council
i. BSU, ASU, Multicultural, Latinx, and Lavender clubs will be meeting with Stud Gov’t to plan activities.
f. Cell phone policy
i. Starting October 21st, students will not be allowed to use the restroom during class with their cell phones.
ii. Assembly Bill 3216, the Phone-Free School Act, to require every school district, charter school and county office of education to develop a policy limiting the use of smartphones by July 1, 2026.
g. Student perspective on safety and cell phone policy
h. New Hires
i. Campus Monitor
ii. Bilingual Instructional Assistant - Russian/Ukrainian languages
Old Business
Safety Update
I. Fire Drill Procedures
A. Clete shared that the procedures for fire drills have now changed so that when the fire alarm goes off, students and staff hold tight for up to a minute so that staff can determine if there is a fire before evacuating. This is in response to past incidents of school violence where the fire alarm has been pulled to target a large number of pupils. Also, the fire alarms are very sensitive and go off frequently. If we evacuate each time, there would be a lot of lost instructional time.
II. Lockdown Procedures
A. Catapult - Staff was recently trained on a program called Catapult. This is an emergency response program that allows schools to communicate with district personnel along with emergency responders. It also allows for teachers to communicate with admin who is accounted for during a lockdown or shelter in place. Catapult allows admin to send updates to staff about the status of the safety situation. We recently used Catapult for our scheduled Lockdown/Shelter in place drill in October.
III. Perimeter Fencing
A. The district recently came out and walked the campus to identify the areas that need to be secured. Perimeter fencing will be added on the west entrance near the portables and around the back of the campus where the fields are located. Community members and students will have to access the campus through the front of the school when the school day starts. This project is scheduled for the spring/summer.
New Business
Review Site Council request for funds
I. Tanya Jenkins - Kiln Shelves. Many shelves are broken. Cost is between $643.50 - $700.
A. Discussion about whether this could be purchased through Prop 28 funds.
B. Reviewed current Cell tower funds to see what we had remaining.
C. Motion to approve request for funds: Sandy De Lay. 2nd Susan Sloan. All AYE.
Request Amendment to SPSA Plan
I. Clete shared that Leadership is not planning to use $4,000 on 1.1 PD for PLCs, curriculum alignment.
A. He suggested that we move $2,700 from 1.1 to 3.16 (LCFF) so that we can purchase another interactive TV.
B. 1.1 - $1,300 remaining for PLC work.
C. 3.16 - $2,700 in the LCFF category for Teacher resources
II. Laura Munno motioned to approve proposal. Sandy De Lay 2nd. All AYE.
Future Items
Safety Plan
I. Clete shared that the safety plan isn’t quite ready to be reviewed by Site Council yet.
Adjournment : 4:24 PM
November 19, 2024
Bella Vista High School Site Council
November 19, 2024
Called to order: 3:43 p.m.
Present: Mr. Clete Purinton, Melanie Walker, Levi McCarty, Susan Sloan, Laura Drath, Laura Munno, Sandra DeLay, David Unter, Matt Anselmino, Aubrey Menne
Approval of minutes from Oct. 15, 2024:
Motion: Motion Susan Bassett
Second: Melanie Walker
All: AYE
Changes to agenda: Change order to accommodate late student
Public comment: None
Student/committee report (Aubrey Menne)
School activities/events
- Aubrey: we may reach out in the future for funding for Alumni meals for Homecoming night. We did increase price on HoCo tickets and winter ball.
- The large gym sound system was mostly funded by ASB for everyone to use. Trying now to fund a speaker system for softball and football or other activities in quad. Also looking at adding a project screen in large gym for rallies, parent nights, assemblies and other events. Pricing so far is pretty high, but continuing to work.
- October was very busy with HoCo and Halloween Extravaganza. We had good feedback. It is a lot of fun for the community.
- Blood Drive is coming up. So is canned food drive.
- A group of students from student govt is meeting with club advisers from some cultural clubs. Meeting several times during the year. Aubrey said they are learning a lot. Mrs. Sloan asked if they could take some students and sent to her.
- ASVAB test was last week. Results 12/6. About 25 students took the test.
Principal’s report
- School news/update: Busy month. Career Day was 10/23. More than 70 guests. Only once cancellation day of the event. Good feedback from students and presenters. Levi concurred that it was a fun day. Good to hear from professionals and ask good questions.
- 10/21 new cell phone policy went into effect. It has helped. There has been improvement. Consistent enforcement is critical. It is a school policy which makes it easier to enforce rather than a single teacher or area. Aubrey concurred that it has been good.
- 8th grade info night on 11/7 for prospective students. Welcome by Jack Bassett. Performances and dept. tables were set up. A lot of coaches attended as well. Overall a very positive night. I want people in the community to see what the school is all about. I love having students involved in it. It gives students an idea of what they can be involved in.
- Visitation days – had one, another 12/3. Link Crew leading those. We had 86 families who signed up.
- New campus monitor hired. She is a fluent Russian and Ukrainian speaker as well.
- Hired a new bilingual instructional assistant. He also speaks Russain and Ukrainian. A new resource teacher will start in January. She is coming from another district – moving into the area.
- Fall sports wrapped up. Girls cross country finished 1st, boys 3rd. Girls and boys volleyball made playoffs.3 openings for coaches: football, girls water polo and swim. Those interviews are coming up.
- Signing day. Mrs. Sloan did a wonderful job of organizing to celebrate our kids who are signing with colleges.
- Marching band finished 3rd in Nor Cal championships. Quite the competition. Oakmont was 4th. 3 Kids from honors choir competed in central region in Fresno. Choir teacher Wendy Carrie was honored as middle school music teacher of the year. (CHECK)
- District interested in adding a 3rd CTE pathway at BVHS. We don’t have an extra classroom. We ask our seniors to take a survey at the end of their time at school Health science is top along with engineering. We are exploring a medical careers pathway for our campus. I don’t anticipate being able to do that next year, but maybe the year after. We would have to get a grant for a facility.
- Security for campus is an ongoing issue. Looking at a plan for perimeter fencing. West gate would be locked. Want everyone coming through the front of the campus. Can call 971-7000 if spot any issues at closed campus times (weekend and night)
- Graduation committee meeting. One student and one parent on the committee. A survey was conducted. Staff prefers quad. Students prefer stadium. Parents preferred stadium. Committee met yesterday and decided it will be in the stadium. Looking at moving ceremony to end zone. It is $3,000 more to have in stadium. Mr. Purinton budgeting for that. Students in ASB are raising funds but he feels they shouldn’t have to pay for their graduation. This is an event for our families so their feedback is important.
- Discipline this year vs. last year. We’re using the Thursday support center. It has been our most successful intervention. Home suspensions down by 19 at this time last year. Fighting is down by 16 incidents this time last year.
Old Business: None
New Business
- Review site council request for funds: We have $9,000 approximately. Total requests. $5404. 76. That would leave a balance of under $3,595.24 for remainder of year.
- Motion by Sandra to approve purchase of 2 Apple TVs (see requests) , 2nd by Susan Sloan. All approved.
- Safety plan: is a large document. Mr. Purinton passed around a printed copy. A handout with 4 safety goals.
- Finding & Planned Action #1: increase interventions pertaining to verbal and physical altercations. Issues this year have been a lot around vaping. Navigate 360 curriculum addresses this issue
- Finding & Planned Action #2: vaping – using Navigate 360 curriculum
- Finding & Planned Action #3: unauthorized individuals on campus. Moved bike rack to J6 area. More secure. It is locked during the day.
- Finding & Planned Action #4: Parking lots signage and safety need to be addressed. The crosswalks, the lights. A student who drove recklessly was put on driving probation for 30 days (not allowed to drive on campus). There is a plan for widening Madison to allow for a drop off area. Not sure on funding and timeline. There is also a plan for fencing.
- Behavior matrix. Built in a lot of support and interventions. Trying to minimize taking students out of the classroom. New law says no suspension for K-12 students for defiance. The student support center has been our best intervention. No phone, different lunch and different break times. Mr. Purinton has reviewed the curriculum modules and thinks they can be helpful. All Faculty reviewed the matrix and provided feedback and some changes were made.
- Matt asked about IRIS in the matrix. It is a software system for documenting and communicate with the district.
- Mr. Purinton asking for approval of the safety plan so that it can go to the district.
- The document has the old board policy for dress code. A new board policy made be adopted tonight.
- Sandra said the matrix is very helpful.
- Melanie made the motion to approve the safety plan. 2nd by Sandra DeLay. All AYE.
Future items
- Comprehensive needs assessment: Likely review in January or March 2025.
- December to review budget of LCFF. May need to add a late April meeting (April 22) to allow for review and/or questions on SPSA.
- District climate survey will go out in January 2025.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn by Sandra DeLay. Adjourn 4:32 p.m.
Dec. 17 Zoom
Jan. 21 in person
March 18 Zoom
April 22 in person
May 20 in person