Bella Vista School Rules & Policies
- Student Activities
- Athletics
- School Services
- Standardized Testing
- Graduation Information
- Grading Policy
- Attendance
- School/ District Rules
- Student Expectations
- Interventions
Student Activities
Student Identification Card
Every student receives a picture identification card free of charge. All students are required to have, carry with them, or pull on the BVHS app, a copy of their current Bella Vista ID card for all school activities. ID cards are mandatory for checking out textbooks and library books, purchasing dance tickets, admission to school dances, and admission to detention. There is a replacement fee for lost of stolen ID cards.
Student Body Card
To support the Bella Vista student body, students are encouraged to purchase a student body card for $50. Students with a Student Body Card will have free entrance to all home sporting events, excluding playoff events, and a $5 discount to most dances. There is a replacement fee if the card is lost. Cards are sold during the school year in the Finance office.
Student Government
Student representation at Bella Vista is through student government. These students run all the student activities and events of the school, manage the student body budget, and provide representation to the student body, administration, and community. More information about student government can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/activities/student-government
Student Officers
Students are elected in the spring and serve a full-year term. To hold office, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and commit to the goals of student government. Incoming Freshmen class officers are recruited in their 8th grade spring and selected prior to the school year.
School Dances
Bella Vista dances are well-attended, fun, optional, school-sponsored activity. ALL tickets are sold online through GoFan.co. No tickets are sold at the door (except for the 1st dance of the year.) Students will use their BV student ID for the access code to buy a ticket at FoFan.co. Students who want to bring a non-BV guest to the dance must complete and return a guest pass application from the front desk - and receive approval - before buying a ticket. Guest passes must be turned into the front desk no later than 3:30pm on the Tuesday before the dance. Guests must show picture identification to enter the dance. All Bella Vista students must present their online ticket and their current BV Student ID card or Student Body Card for admittance to the dance. In addition, students are issued wristbands at the door, to be worn during dances as part of a warning system for inappropriate dancing. All school rules apply to dances and will be strictly enforced.
The following dance rules must be followed:
- Students will be admitted to the dance up until the halfway point of the total length of the dance. Special circumstances resulting from school sanctioned events, e.g., athletic games, are an exception. The vice principal must have the names before the dance.
- Once a student leaves the dance, they may not return and must leave campus. Students may, however, leave the dance anytime.
- Students are expected to dress appropriately and in good taste.
- Inappropriate, rough, or unsafe dancing could result in students being asked to leave the dance and further disciplinary action.
- Loitering in the parking lot or around the campus will not be permitted.
- More information related to school dances can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/activities/dance-rules
In September, Student Government sponsors "Club Day." Students may join any club(s) they want. New clubs can be formed when 10 or more students show an interest in forming a purposeful organization. New clubs require an on-campus advisor, constitution, and must be approved by the executive board of student government. The first step is to contact the student government advisor. Clubs must participate in specified events (culture week, beautification day) and must hold a minimum amount of meetings per semester. Current clubs for the school year can be viewed here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/activities/clubs
Academic Competition Teams
Students should see advisors if interested in these teams.
Academic Decathlon, Model UN, Moot Court
Academic Honor Organizations
CSF (California Scholarship Federation), NHS (National Honor Society)
Interscholastic Athletics
Bella Vista offers all sports at all levels for boys and girls. All students have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate. Bella Vista's sports programs are as follows:
Fall Sports (Start Date: August 5, 2024)
Boys: Cross-Country, Football (start July 29), Water Polo
Girls: Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, Flag Football
Winter Sports (Start Date: November 4, 2024)
Boys & Girls: Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling
Spring Sports (Start Date: February 10, 2025)
Boys: Baseball (start Feb. 3), Golf, Lacrosse, Swim & Dive, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball
Girls: Lacrosse, Softball (start Feb. 3), Swim & Dive, Track & Field
Athletic Activities Participation Clearance
Before students can participate in athletics (including cheer), students/ parents must register, obtain a sports physical on the SJUSD form, and complete the clearance process on https://sportsnethost.com/bellavista-parent Parents must provide all required documentation and forms before they can practice. Students participating in Band or Dance must complete & return the clearance packet (including physical) they can obtain from the Band/ Dance director. There is a 48-hour turnaround time for processing and issuing a clearance. See the Athletics office or school website https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/athletics/athletes-corner for the physical form and further registration instructions.
Athletic Eligibility Requirements
The District Governing Board of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) will have general control of and be responsible for all aspects of interscholastic athletics. They will ensure that all interscholastic policies, programs and activities are in compliance with state law.
General Eligibility Requirements
- Students who transfer schools must alert the Athletic Director so eligibility can be determined.
- Students must have a medical doctor's signature on the Athletic Participation Consent form. All physicals expire at the end of each school year.
- Students must have at least $1,500 medical coverage which may be parents' private insurance or student accident insurance policy available through the school district.
- Athletes cannot be absent the day of the game except for a medical appointment.
- Athletes cannot participate on a school team and an outside team in the same sport at the same time.
- Students who use alcohol, tobacco or drugs on campus or at school-authorized functions will be penalized in accordance with the San Juan Unified School District discipline policy and athletics policies.
- Any student who uses or possesses drug, alcohol, tobacco or drug paraphernalia (this includes any form of vape pen) may be removed from their team.
Academic Eligibility Requirements
Bella Vista is based on 4-week grading periods and eligibility is determined at the end of each of these grading periods.
- Eligibility for the first grading period is determined by grades earned at the end of the spring semester for those students who were in high school during the previous semester.
- Students must have an overall 2.0 grade point average and be passing 5 of 6 academic classes for the previous grading period.
- Students must have earned a "C" average in citizenship (conduct and deportment) for the previous grading period (all classes attempted).
- Students may have the option of having summer school classes affect their interscholastic eligibility. Students must repeat he same class in which the grades from the preceding grading period caused the ineligibility. IF the same class is not available, another class may be substituted if the level of difficulty is the same or higher. All substitute courses must have the approval of the counselor, appropriate department chairperson and final approval of the principal before the student trolls in summer school.
- Initial eligibility will be based on C.I.F. for those students entering from schools outside the San Juan Unified School District. Grades received at the end of the first grading period will determine subsequent eligibility.
Steroid Warning
Use of steroids to increase strength or growth can cause serious health problems. Steroids can keep teenagers from growing to their full height; they can also cause heart disease, stroke, and damaged liver function.
***NOTE: A student who is found to have violated the agreement or this policy shall be restricted from participating in athletics and shall be subject tot disciplinary procedures including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion in accordance with law, board policy, and administrative regulation. (Ed. Code 49030)
More information related to BV Athletics can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/athletics
School Services
College and Career Center
The College and Career Center, run by parent volunteers, is located in the library and is open at lunch. The "CCC" is the hub for career exploration and life after high school. Students can find information about colleges, vocational/technical school, the military, financial aid, scholarships and more. Information about jobs, summer camps and volunteer opportunities are available. Check out the CCC website: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/academics/college-career
Conflict Management
Conflict Management is a program which trains students to help maintain a positive campus atmosphere, The goals of the program are to decrease tension, hostility and violence in school through a mediation process. Students who need assistance or know of other needing help form conflict managers should tell a campus monitor, a vice principal, a counselor, or any teacher. Students interested in becoming a conflict manger should see the Counseling Office.
Credentialed counselors at BV provide academic, personal/ social, career, and crisis counseling for all students. Referrals to the counselor can be made by students, parents, teachers, or administration. Counseling services are delivered through a variety of strategies based on individual student needs. Students make an appointment to see a counselor or may speak to a counselor on a drop- in basis. More information related to our counseling office can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/our-school/counseling
Emergency Information
Emergency contact information is required to be on file each school year. Emergency information can be filled out online through the parent portal (https://sis.sanjuan.edu/parentportal) or in person at the BV office. Two additional emergency contacts are required. Emergency information must be current and kept on file for the entire school year. Address changes are done at San Juan Central or through the parent portal.
Emergency Procedures
All possible steps will be taken to ensure the safety of students. Parents may hear emergency information, e.g., school closures, from KFBK Radio 1530 AM and local television stations. Emergency information may also be initiated by the school and communicated to the entire school community through our internet-based telephone & email system, School Messenger.
School Safety and Security Hotline
The School Safety and Security Hotline number is (916) 979-TIPS (8477). This Hotline number is a simple way for students, parents, and community members to report school safety or security concerns.
Finance Office
The Finance Office (located in the main office) is where students can purchase cash sale dance tickets, student body cards, planners, yearbooks and make their class material donations. For a fee, students can replace lost of stolen ID cards or SB Cards. The school's controller collects money for book fines and fees. There is a SJUSD $20.00 service charge for all returned checks. No checks are accepted after April 12st. The Finance Office is open at break, lunch, and before and after school.
Food Service
California ED Section 49501.5 requires public school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools serving students in grades TK-12 to provide two meals free of charge (breakfast and lunch) during each school day to students requesting a meal. Bella Vista's cafeteria provides a limited breakfast offering and lunch for all students.
Health Needs
Report to the Attendance Office to make arrangements to go home if you are not feeling well. The attendance office will contact the parent/ guardian to request the student be issued an early dismissal and taken home.
Other health information:
- For students needing to have medication on campus, prescription medication and "over the counter" medicines require a Release Form and it must be on file with the Principal's Secretary, even for asprin.
- In case of an emergency, the Principal's Secretary will call 911 and the student's parents.
Homework Requests
Students are responsible for making arrangements with teachers to make up work missed because of absences. Students or parents may request homework assignments from the office (bellavistafrontdesk@sanjuan.edu) if absence is for 3 or more days. Homework will be available for pickup from the office after school on the day following the request. For short-term absences, students should contact classmates or check with the teacher when returning to school. No make-up work is allowed for work missed because of a truancy.
Lab Donations
To support the programs at BV, students may be asked to make a donation for the supplies used in some classes. Arrangements can be made for students with financial need. Please speak with your teacher.
The library is located at the center of the campus and houses over 11,000 books as well as technology resources to assist students with academic research, class assignments, and/or personal reading materials. Students are required to have either their physical student IDs or the ability to pull it up on their phones in order to check out library books or textbooks. Check out the Library website to see all the services offer: (https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/academics/library)
There are no hall lockers. Backpacks or backpacks on wheels are recommended. Students are not allowed to store books/ materials in their cars for retrieval during the school day.
Lost and Found
Lost and found items may be claimed or turned in to the front desk in the main office. The school district and Bella Vista High School are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Loss items reports are filed at the front desk in the main office.
BV School Website: Get school news and learn how to view students' grades and attendance online.
BV Newsflash: The weekly e-newsletter provides up-to-date activities, deadlines, and events for families. All parents with a valid e-mail will automatically receive the newsflash.
Yearbook-La Remuda: The yearbook is produced by students and is for sale throughout the year. Students are encouraged to purchase the yearbook early as the price during the year increases.
Students must have a current BVHS Student ID for textbook checkout. Without it, students cannot check out textbooks. Textbooks are checked out and returned in the library. Students are responsible for their books, no matter where they store them. If damaged, lost or stolen, the student must pay for the books before another textbook is issued. Class schedule and report cards are withheld pending the return or payment of textbooks. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen books.
After-school and before-school tutoring are available on campus. Check with your counselor or librarian for updated dates and time. More information on this year's tutoring options can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/resources/tutoring
Work Permits
Any student under 18 years of age is requited to have a work permit before employment. Students must fully demonstrate that they are meeting all school responsibilities before a work permit is granted. To receive/keep/renew a work permit, students must 1) have positive attendance (students received 2nd truancy/ excessive excused letter from the district will have their permit revoked,) 2) have a 2.0 GPA with no Fs in any class on any grade report, 3) must be on track to graduate (credits). Applications are available at the front desk and must be renewed every August. More information related to work permits can be found here: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/resources/work-permits
Standardized Testing
CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
Students in grade 12 will take a computer-adaptive test in science and grade 11 will take a computer-adaptive test in math and English during the spring semester. The tests measure how well students are learning the state adopted content standards, "Common Core." This data helps identify strengths & weaknesses, improves instruction, and is responsible for our high API scores which contribute to the outstanding reputation that attracts the half of our student body attending from outside of BV's attendance boundaries.
ACT Assessment (Optional)
The ACT (American College Test) is designed to assess high school students' general education development and their ability to complete college-level work. The ACT is a national college admission exam that tests four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. Registration material are available in the Counseling Office and online at www.act.org.
Advanced Placement (AP Test)
The AP Program gives high school students an opportunity to take college-level courses and exams, and earn credit, advanced placement, or both for college. To help students prepare for these tests, Bella Vista offers advanced placement courses in art, biology, calculus, chemistry, computer science, economics, English, European history, world language, physics, psychology, US history, and world history.
PSAT/NMSQT: (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test).
All sophomores and juniors can take the PSAT/NMSQT in October. This 2-hour examination measures students' critical reading, math problem solving, and writing skills. This shorter version of the SAT allows students to find out what the SAT is like. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT may qualify to enter competitions for prestigious scholarships and participate in recognition programs.
SAT I: Reasoning Test (Optional)
The SAT I is a 3-hour, multiple choice test measuring students' verbal and math reasoning abilities. It is generally taken by college bound students in their junior or senior year since it is part of the entrance requirements for most colleges and universities.
SAT II: Subject Tests (Optional)
These tests are 1-hour examinations that measure students' knowledge or skills in a particular subject and their ability to apply that knowledge. Some colleges use one or more of the subject tests for admission or placement.
Graduation Information
Participation Policy
Graduation recognizes seniors who have successfully completed the required course of study through attendance and completion of 220 credits. SJUSD board policy states, "Seniors enrolled but not attending five classes will be denied participation in graduation ceremonies even though all other graduation requirements have been met." A senior placed on social probation at the last month of school may not be allowed to participate in any school-related activities, including the commencement ceremony.
Senior Honors
Graduation is a time to honor all successful Bella Vista students. Some specific honors and their criteria are:
Seniors with a 3.75 or better weighted grade point average will wear a red honors sash for the commencement ceremony. The GPA is cumulative as of the Interim Progress 6 report of the second semester.
The student(s) with the highest weighted GPA and any students with all A's for 4 years are Bella Vista's valedictorians. The names are determined after the second semester final grades are issues.
The student(s) with the second highest weighted GPA is Bella Vista's salutatorian. The names are determined after the second semester final grades are issued.
Other Graduation Adornments
Academic groups may wear approved neck adornments for the ceremony. No personal adornments on caps or gowns are permitted.
Grading Policy
Academic Grades
A letter grading system is used which reflects the following scale:
A Superior
B Above Average
C Average
D Below Average
F Failing
An academic grade reflects teacher judgment in assessing content standards for the course, the quality and quantity of academic work completed during the grading period. Teachers distribute policies at the beginning of each year/semester about homework and grading.
Citizen Grades
Each student is responsible for their behavior. It is the responsibility of school personnel to monitor student behavior to ensure the the classroom and school environment is safe, orderly, and conducive to learning. The citizenship grade for each student is based on conduct, cooperation, integrity, effort, attitude, and tardiness.
Report Cards
Parents may check grades and attendance in progress online through the Q Parent Portal. Official progress reports will be posted every four weeks. At the end of each semester (January and June) report cards/ transcripts are mailed to parents. Only final semester academic and citizenship grades are recorded on the transcript, which is the student's permanent record. Constant monitoring of graduation requirements is the joint responsibility of the student, the parent, and the counselor. Five units of credit toward graduation are earned each semester a student receives a passing grade. Students and parents are encouraged to contact teachers for questions or concerns about the grades. E-mail and voicemail numbers are available on the school website, or in the office. Teachers have the ultimate authority and responsibility for assessing the academic achievement of students. Only the teacher can change a grade.
Drop "F" Policy
Students enrolled in classes are expected to complete these classes. After 10 days, students who drop a class will receive a drop "F" on the transcript.
Please visit: https://bellavista.sanjuan.edu/our-school/attendance
School/ District Rules
Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty in all its forms, in course work, on examinations, or in other academically related activities, including but not limited to:
- Copying from another student or knowingly allowing another to copy.
- Using unauthorized materials and/or technologies.
- Plagiarizing work, which means the use of any other person's work without proper citation.
When a student has been found to break the academic honesty policy, the following will occur:
First Offense
- The student will receive a zero for the assignment/test/paper, etc.
- The teacher will call the parents.
- The teacher will write a referral to the vice principal's office for appropriate disciplinary action.
- The teacher may lower the citizenship grade for the current progress reporting period.
- The teacher will make a referral to student's counselor.
Second Offense
- The student will receive a zero for the assignment/ test/paper, etc.
- The teacher will call the parents.
- The teacher will write a referral to the vice principal's office for appropriate disciplinary action.
- Required parent conference.
- The teacher will lower the citizenship grade.
Third Offense
- The student will receive a zero fo rthe assignment/ test/ paper, etc.
- The teacher will write a referral to the vice principal's office for appropriate disciplinary action.
- Required parent conference.
- The teacher will lower the citizenship grade.
- May receive a drop "F" from class.
Bicycles/ Skateboards
A student who uses a bicycle or skateboard for transportation must stop riding it when reaching the edge of the campus. Bicycles and skateboards must be locked in the bike racks at the West entrance near room E-6, and do so at their own risk.
Bullying/ Cyber Bullying
For information on bullying/ cyberbullying, go to the San Juan website and visit the Bullying Prevention page for information or to make a report. https://www.sanjuan.edu/resources/student-support-services/prevention-programs
Campus Visitors
All visitors must report to the main office for permission to be on campus. Authorized visitors will sign in and be given a "visitor" sticker that must be worn while on campus. Visitors may not roam the campus. Students may not bring guests to school unless prior approval has been granted. Students from other schools may not visit Bella Vista teachers or students during school hours. Former students are not allowed to visit teachers without prior authorization from the teacher. Parents/ guardians may contact their students teacher 24 hours in advance to obtain approval to visit their class.
Computer Use Rules
Except as require, the use of school computers and access to the internet is a privilege. Students who do not follow the computer use rules may be disciplined, and may lose computer privileges. When students use the school computers they agree to follow:
- The directions and rules of the school, staff and the school district.
- Rules of any computer network they access.
- Students also agree to be considerate and respectful of other users.
- Use school computers for school-related education and research only.
- Not to use school computers and networks for personal or commercial purpose.
- Not to change any software or documents (except student created documents).
- Not to produce, distribute, access, use, or store information which:
- Is prohibited by law, district or school rules.
- Violates copyright laws.
- Is obtained by trespassing in private or confidential files.
- Is obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit.
- Causes delay, disruption or harm to systems, programs, networks or equipment.
- Is otherwise prohibited in the workplace or on a school campus.
- Protect password.
- Do not allow anyone else to use your password.
- Do not use anyone else's password.
We do not make deliveries to class. To protect the learning environment, we keep disruptions to a minimum. If your student forgot something important at home, a parent may deliver it to the office and text their student to pick it up at break, lunch, or after school. The school does not assume responsibility for any such item that is lost or stolen. Please do NOT deliver gifts, flowers, or balloons during the school day. We do not accept food deliveries from restaurants or delivery services.
Dress Code
The dress code is established to promote a positive, psychologically safe, and appropriate learning environment. Clothing, jewelry, and personal items(backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) with language or images that are vulgar, sexually suggestive, discriminatory, obscene, libelous, or that promote illegal or violent contact, such as weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, indicates membership in or promotion of a gang, or clothing that contains threats, is prohibited. For more information on the San Juan Unified District Dress Code, please visit: https://www.sanjuan.edu/our-district/policies-required-notices/dress-code
Drugs-Alcohol-Controlled Substance- Paraphernalia
BVHS will enforce the law and school district policies concerning drugs, alcohol, and drug paraphernalia to the fullest extent. Any student who sells, furnishes, or is in possession for sale of any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind will be suspended and may be recommended for expulsion and subject to arrest.
Any student who is in possession of, has consumed or use alcohol or a controlled substance, before or during a school function, will be suspended and placed on social probation.
Any student with the odor of alcohol on their breath, the odor of a controlled substance on clothing, and/ or appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance may be subject to search, suspension, and referral to law enforcement.
Schools are tobacco and drug-free zones.
Electronic Devices
Students must adhere to teacher expectations for classroom use of electronic devices. Emergency communication for an early dismissal must go through the attendance office at 971-5040.
SJUSD is not responsible for the loss of personal property. This includes property store in classrooms, lockers, vehicles, or confiscated from students.
Students who engage in a fight will receive a home suspension and social probation. A second fight may also result in a school transfer. Promoting a fight is a disruption of school activities and may result in home suspension.
Definition of Self-Defense
To establish the defense, the person must be free from fault or provocation, have no means of escape or retreat, and there must be an impending peril.
A student or adult may not distribute or post any flyer on campus without permission from the administration.
Gambling (ie. playing cards, dice, coin pitching or flipping for money) is illegal and not allowed on campus or at any school activity.
Graffiti/ Vandalism
Damaging, defacing or destroying school property is against the law. Students guilty of such acts will receive consequences to the full extent that the California Education Code, the Penal Code and San Juan district policies allow, including suspension, social probation and possible recommendation for expulsion. There may be a referral to law enforcement. Parents are responsible and financially liable for acts of vandalism by their student. in addition, the district may withhold a student's grades, diploma and transcript until restitution for damages is made.
Hall Passes
Students are not permitted out of class without a pass. TAs, yearbook staff, media and student government members must wear their identification badge. Students are not permitted in the office without a pass. Students may only travel to the destination on the pass. Students without a pass or abusing the use of a pass will be referred to the vice principal for discipline.
Inappropriate Displays of Affection
In a public place such as at school or at school-sponsored activities, excessive displays of affection are inappropriate.
Students have a responsibility to keep the campus litter free while at school, especially during break and lunch. Students must put their trash in the garbage containers placed around the campus. It is not the job of the custodian to pick up after students. Abuse will result in disciplinary action including "campus beautification."
All students are required to be in class during school hours. Students may not loiter on or about the campus at any time. Students coming to or leaving the campus may not linger or gather at homes on the streets next to the campus. Students observed doing this will be subject to disciplinary action and possible referral to law enforcement. Private citizens have the option of calling law enforcement if students habitually loiter at their property.
Out of Bounds Areas
Students will receive disciplinary consequences if found in the following areas during the school day. Repeated violations will result in suspension.
- Parking lots and fields
- Front of school
- Behind any of the school buildings, including the fields
- Basketball court for non-players
- Driveway on the west side of school
PE Clothes and Policies
Students must dress out every day unless instructed not to. Exceptions will be made for students with a written medical note from a physician.
The PE uniform is:
- Shirts: solid white or white BV shirts with the first initial and last name printed legibly across the front.
- Shorts: solid black or black BV shorts
- Sweatshirts: Black, gray or red
- Sweatpants: Black
- Socks: Must be worn
- Shoes: Athletic shoes, no sandals
- Hats: Teacher's discretion
Non Suit Policy
- 1st Warning & Call Home
- 2nd Half Hour Detention
- 3rd One Hour Detention
- 4th+ Saturday School
Three partial non-suits (no-name, wrong color short/shirt) count as a full non-suit. Loaners are offered on a first come, first served basis. No student may get loaners more than 2 times per semester. A current Student ID Card or a Student Body Card is required to check out loaners in the PE office.
PE Lockers
PE lockers are assigned at the beginning of the school year. Student must provide locks for their lockers; high quality, heavy duty combination locks are best (usually around $20). Students choosing to store personal articles and school property in these lockers assume liability for their security. Locker rooms are locked and not accessible during class time. Students found in the locker room unsupervised will be subject to disciplinary action.
Personal Property
SJUSD is not responsible for the loss of personal property. Th is includes property stored in classrooms, lockers, vehicles, or confiscated from students. Students bring personal property to school at their own risk.
Profanity or Slurs
Students must not use profane language. Profanity directed at individuals or in loud excessive displays and/ or slurs *racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, handicapped, etc.) are prohibited at all times. The use of such language will result in disciplinary action.
Questioning by Outside Agency
A law enforcement agent, upon request and with appropriate identification, has the authority/ right to question students while at school.
Sales/ Exchanges/ Bartering
Selling, exchanging, or bartering is prohibited except as fundraisers authorized by the administration and/ or student government.
To ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, school authorities and law enforcement officers may conduct searches as allowed by law. P.E. lockers, backpacks, and student vehicles may be searched at any time. In addition, district Safe Schools Officers (Sheriff's deputies) may use trained dogs to indicate the presence of drugs in lockers, vehicles, backpacks, and other locations.
Sexual Harassment
The district has adopted the following strict policy containing rules and procedures for reporting sexual harassment and pursuing remedies. The Governing Board prohibits unlawful sexual harassment of or by anyone in or from the district. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical contact of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the work or educational setting. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of another student or anyone from the district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any employee who permits or engages in sexual harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Any student, staff member or parent who feels that harassment has occurred should immediately contact the teacher, principal of the school, or district Title IX Coordinator. If the concern is not resolved, a formal complaint may be initiated at the school or by directly contacting the district Title IX Coordinator. Copies of the Uniform Complaint Form may be obtained from the school office or district or Title IX Coordinator.
Tobacco Use of Possession
The possession or use of tobacco or any products containing tobacco or nicotine is prohibited. This includes vape pens with nicotine cartridges. This applies on campus and at any school related activities, in front of the school, and streets and/ or properties next to the school property. All San Juan Unified School District property is a tobacco and drug free zone for students and adults.
Uniform Complaint Procedure
Use this form, available from the principal's secretary, to make a formal complaint alleging unlawful discrimination based on actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, age, gender, color or physical or mental disability, or failure to comply with state and/ or federal laws in adult education, consolidated categorical aid programs, career technical and technical education and training programs, Indian education, migrant education, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs and special education programs. Complainants shall be protected from retaliation and the identity of a complainant alleging discrimination shall remain as confidential as appropriate.
Vehicles, Student Parking and Driving Regulations
Vehicles on campus are subject to the rules of the California Vehicle Code. Student parking and riving on campus are privileges and violations will result in disciplinary action and possible loss of on-campus parking.
- Student parking is only in the east parking lot. Students may not park in front of the school, the fire lane, or at the west end of the campus. Student may not park in spaces marked for staff or visitors.
- Students may not go to the parking lot area once the school day has begun.
- Unsafe driving will result in disciplinary action and possible loss of on-campus parking.
Note: Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is no legal parking available on campus, students must find legal parking off campus.
The school and district are not responsible for theft of or damage to a student's vehicle or theft of the contents inside the vehicle. California Highway Patrol, Sheriff and Fire Department personnel may issue citations with fines to parked vehicles violating safety, handicapped and fire access codes.
Students who bring guns, knives (or replicas/imitations) or other dangerous objects to school or school activities will receive a suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and referral to law enforcement. State law mandates expulsion for students who possess a firearm.
Williams Universal Complaint Procedure
Use this form, available from the principal's secretary, to make a formal complaint alleging insufficient textbooks or instructional materials, teacher vacancy or misassignment, or threatening facility conditions.
Student Expectations
School Rules
California Ed Code 48908 states, "All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the schools." All students are expected to follow Bella Vista High School's policies, rules and procedures to promote cooperation, consideration of others, care of property, conservation of resources and self-discipline. These rules apply at all times on campus and at all school sponsored activities on or off campus. Guest teacher and all other school personnel are considered as regular faculty and must be treated as such. Any student whose conduct disrupts the instructional process or working order of the school, or is in willful disobedience or defiance of authority, may be suspended. Supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties are the valid authorities at BVHS.
Conflict Management
Trained senior students meet in the office with students in conflict with each other and assist them in talking out their problems and coming to an agreement. Failure to live up to the agreement will lead to disciplinary consequences. This program is highly effective and can be requested anonymously by talking to a teacher, counselor, or VP.
After-School Detention
After-school detention is a 30 to 60-minute study period used as a disciplinary tool for tardies and minor classroom offenses. Students must report to detention with their current ID card at the end of their school day and bring schoolwork to complete during the assigned time. Failure to serve detention will result in additional discipline.
Saturday School
Saturday School is an alternative to home suspension and assigned by an administrator. Saturday School is held in a designated classroom. Saturday School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. No students is admitted after 8:00. Students assigned to Saturday School must bring homework or a book to read. NO electronic devices are allowed, including but not limited to: headphones, electronic toys/games, cell phones, etc. Food is also not permitted. Students who fail to serve Saturday School will be subject to additional disciplinary consequences.
Social Probation
A student is placed on social probation when they get in a fight, possesses and/or is under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, dangerous substance or intoxicant, commits vandalism to school property, has excessive truancies or for any discipline issues. A student on social probation is prohibited from participating in or attending any non-mandatory school function, activity, or event at any location. Non-mandatory school functions, activities or events include, but are not limited to dances, athletic events, drama and musical productions, student club activities, and activities related to graduation including the graduation ceremony, and athletic teams including practices. Social probation is for 1-6 calendar weeks depending on the severity and recurrence of the infraction. Violations of social probation will result in an extension of the duration of the probation and/or a home suspension.
Expulsion means a student may not attend any SJUSD school or school activity. The principal recommends expulsions for very serious offenses, such as possession of a weapon or dangerous object, causing physical injury to another person, sale of a controlled substance, robbery, extortion, sexual assault or battery. If a student violates any of these policies, they are suspended for 5 days and are recommended for expulsion. The Board of Education makes the final decision to expel a student.