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Back to School Sales

Back to School Sales

Bella Vista Online School Store

Purchase all the items needed to start the school year off right through our online school store! Items that will be available for sale include:

  • Student Body card ($50), Student Planner ($5), Yearbook ($70).  The SB card offers free entry to most home athletic events and reduced rates for dances and other school events.
  • Class T-shirts: $10 w/SB card, $15 w/o.  Each grade level earns proceeds towards their own account.
  • PTSA memberships: $12. 
  • PE clothing prices: T-shirts $10 and shorts $10.

My School Bucks

Bella Vista is now offering online purchasing for many of our class donation accounts and other merchandise. In order to access the store, you will need to create a account. This is also the same payment portal that is used by Nutrition Services, and the store can be accessed through your existing account. Go to to begin.

Step 1: Sign in or create a new account.

school payments made easy


Step 2: Signing up...

You will have to find the district by searching through California for the San Juan Unified School District. The only information required to sign up is your name, phone number, and email address. After you create a password you should be able to view the main SJUSD payment Portal Page.

SJUSD payments portal

Step 3: Add Students...

You will need to add your students in order to view the school site store for their school. Please note that at this time, only high schools and middle schools have their stores set up. Elementary schools will be available soon. Be sure to add all the students that you may want to make payments for. This can include students that are not in your household such as relatives, friends, or other community members. Students can be added to more than one My School Bucks account, so this service can be helpful for other adults or relatives to gift donations or make payments directly to the school account of a particular student. Once students are added, you can click on the “Shop School Store” button to proceed.

Step 4: Shopping...

The main shop page will show featured items, and has a button to “View All”, click the button to access the stores. 

SJUSD Payments Portal Shopping

Step 5: Filtering the store

After you click on the button, if you have multiple students, you will need to filter the store down by site. Each student is assigned to their site by Nutrition Services, and the system updates automatically when they change schools within the district.

Filter your store by student

Step 6: Making a purchase

Classes are listed by the teacher’s last name, be sure to select the correct class when making a donation. My School Bucks charges a small merchant fee to use their service, this fee will be on top of the amount you select to pay. If a refund is needed, this merchant fee will not be refunded. As always, we can also take cash or check payments directly in the Bella Vista Office.