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Social Media

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Stay Connected:            

     Twitter:  @BVHSlibrary     Instagram:  bvhslibrary    

     Facebook:   Bella Vista High School Library     

Student Government & Class Accounts:

TikTok: @bvstudgov

Instagram: @bvstudgov @bv_rowdyrooters

Seniors: @bvhsclassof2024

Juniors: @bvhsclassof2025

Sophomores: @bvhsclassof2026

Freshman: @bvhsclassof2027


Social Media Commenting Policy

We welcome your comments, both positive and constructive via social media. We will share your comments with the appropriate staff to address any concerns and attempt to respond in a timely manner. We do not allow comments which target or attack specific students, staff members or members of the community, use vulgar or otherwise inappropriate language, share private or confidential information, advocate or suggest illegal acts or which violate Board Policy, Education Code, or other laws. We reserve the right to block or ban users who violate our commenting policy.

This policy applies to all social media platforms where the district, its schools or its programs operate an official social media presence.