Athletic Information
- Athletes Corner
- SportsNet Registration
- Interest List 9th Graders 2025/2026
- Fall Sports
- Winter Sports
- Spring Sports
- Coaches Corner
Athletes Corner
- Sports Physical Form
- SportsNet Registration
- Athletic Handbook
- Attendance Policy
- Eligibility Requirements
- Heat Procedures
- Scholar Athlete Award
- Ticket Prices
Sports Physical Form
A physical examination and doctor’s certification on the SJUSD Physical Exam document are required. Documents generated by your doctor will not be accepted. In order for the student to be accepted for athletics, the physical must be completed after June 1 prior to the school year in which the athlete plans to compete. You need only one physical annually regardless of the number of sports in which you participate. Print one here - Sports Physical Form. Once complete, please upload a copy of the completed physical to the online registration and keep the original for your records. PLEASE DO NOT give completed physicals to the coach.
SportsNet Registration
Athletic Registration Process
Athletes must complete several steps before they can be cleared for athletic participation. Incoming 9th graders will not be able to register on SportsNet until Mid-June.
- The parent and student, together, must complete the online athletic registration and upload or submit a hard copy of the physical form to the Athletics office. Please allow 48 hours after submitting your sports physical to be cleared to participate in tryouts/practice. Registration can be completed by clicking the link below. Please have your student's ID number ready.
A physical examination and doctor’s certification on the SJUSD Physical Exam document are required. Documents generated by your doctor will not be accepted. In order for the student to be accepted for athletics, the physical must be completed after June 1 prior to the school year in which the athlete plans to compete. You need only one physical annually regardless of the number of sports in which you participate. Print one here - Sports Physical Form. Once complete, please upload a copy of the completed physical to the online registration and keep the original for your records. PLEASE DO NOT give completed physicals to the coach.
- Insurance coverage is required to cover possible accidents. You must have medical coverage (at least $1,500). Coverage may be by parent’s private insurance company or school accident insurance policy (
- A student has the opportunity to participate/tryout for a team once all athletic registration components have been submitted and the coach has received the verification clearance from the Athletic Director.
Athletic Handbook
Attendance Policy
Coaches recognize the importance of school attendance and expect athletes to establish good attendance patterns.
1. Students must attend at least four classes during the school day in order to participate in either practice or competition on that day. A student cannot be absent on the day of a game unless he/she previously clears with his/her principal or athletic director. Doctor or dental appointments will be accepted with a verification note. If there is any doubt, the athlete should clear with the Principal or Athletic Director prior to competition. An athlete who violates this requirement will be suspended at least one game.
2. If a contest is held on a non-school day, the student must attend at least four classes on the school day prior to the contest.
3. Students failing to comply with the district attendance policy will be referred to their coach for discipline.
Eligibility Requirements
Athletes must complete several steps before they can be cleared for athletic participation. See "Athletic Registration" tab for detailed instructions including required physical form and registration link to sportsnet.
- A student has the opportunity to participate/tryout for a team once all athletic policies and regulations have been submitted and the coach has received the verification clearance from the Athletic Director.
Academic Eligibility
To encourage and promote academic excellence, all students participating in extracurricular activities shall demonstrate satisfactory minimum progress in meeting the requirements of graduation by undertaking the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the District.
The requirement has two elements. To be eligible for participation, the student:
- Must have earned an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale during the preceding grading period; and
- Must have passed five of six classes (no more than 1 F) during the preceding grading period. Students taking only the minimum number of classes must pass all of their classes to be eligible.
According to the CIF, scholastic eligibility requires the student to pass the equivalent of at least 20 semester periods of work at the completion of the most recent grading period. Weighted grades are not used to calculate eligibility per the CIF Bylaws.
A grading period will constitute an eligibility period. The grade issued at the end of each grading period will be used to determine eligibility.
- For purposes of determining eligibility, a grade of incomplete is computed as an “F” or failure until a letter grade is assigned. When the letter grade is determined, the student’s grade point average is required. Generally, incompletes are only assigned when a student had a long-term illness or after unforeseeable and unpreventable absence from school that prevented the student from completing the assigned work during the grading period.
- For eligibility purposes, once a letter grade is assigned, the grade may be changed only if the person assigning the grade determines that an error was made in computing the grade. If a student requests that a teacher reconsider a grade, the reconsideration must be based on work assigned, due, and completed prior to the end of the grading period. Work submitted or assigned after the end of the grading period may not be used to improve or diminish an assigned grade.
- Schools declare at the beginning of the year the grading periods and eligibility declaration days that they will use. Eligibility will be declared after each school-wide grading period.
A student becomes eligible or ineligible for athletic participation only when declared so by the site Athletic Administrator or site Athletic Director.
The District will follow CIF guidelines and procedures related to the eligibility of continuation/independent study school students returning to a comprehensive high school. Please check with the school’s Athletic Director or Administrator.
Academic Eligibility Calendar
Grading Period |
End of Grading Period |
Grades Checked-Students & Coaches Notified |
Eligibility Period |
Ineligible Students Must Attend Intervention Class Mon-Wed during their open period (zero or 6th). See contract for specific info. |
Semester 2 23/24 |
As soon as rosters are received from coaches-cannot participate in a game until grades are checked. Frosh exempt. |
8/14/24-9/18/24 |
Interim 1 |
Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 |
Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 |
9/23/24-10/23/24 |
9/23/24-10/23/24 |
Interim 2 |
Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 |
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 |
10/28/24-12/04/24 *ineligibility applies during Thanksgiving Break, but no intervention class |
10/28/24-12/04/24 *ineligibility applies during Thanksgiving Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 3 |
Friday, Nov. 22 2024 |
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024 |
12/09/24-1/08/25 *ineligibility applies during Winter Break, but no intervention class |
12/09/24-1/08/25 *ineligibility applies during Winter Break, but no intervention class |
Semester 1 |
Monday, Jan. 2, 2025 |
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025 |
1/13/25-2/26/25 |
1/13/25-2/26/25 |
Interim 4 |
Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 |
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025 |
3/03/25-4/02/25 *ineligibility applies during February Break, but no intervention class |
3/03/25-4/02/25 *ineligibility applies during February Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 5 |
Friday, Mar. 28, 2025 |
Thursday, April 3, 2025 |
4/07/25-5/07/25 *ineligibility applies during Spring Break, but no intervention class |
4/07/25-5/07/25 *ineligibility applies during Spring Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 6 |
Friday, May 2, 2025 |
Thursday, May 8, 2025 |
5/12/25- end of season |
5/12/25-end of season |
Semester 2 |
Tues, June 10, 2025 |
Semester grades will apply to athletes playing a Fall 2025 sport from beginning of the season until the first grading period ends. |
If a student athlete does not meet the required 2.0 GPA with no more than one F grade on their most current progress report, they will automatically be entered into either, our athletic probation program or our athletic intervention program. Students will remain on probation or intervention until the next grading period, regardless of current grades showing in Q. Please see the chart below to determine which program pertains to your student.
Academic Probation
When an athlete becomes eligible for probation they must automatically apply for and take a probation period. Athletes do not have the choice as to when they will take their probation. Any athlete who quits his/her sport during a probation period will be deemed to have used their probation period for that school year and will be ineligible to apply for probation for the remainder of the school year. Probationary athletes must attend intervention class in order to remain eligible to compete with the team.
Academic Intervention
All athletes that are ineligible and do not qualify for probation will not be allowed to compete during the grading period in which they are declared ineligible. Non-probationary athletes must attend intervention class in order to remain eligible to practice with the team.
Probation Chart |
#F’s |
Eligible |
Probation |
Compete |
Practice |
2.0+ |
2 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
<2.0 |
0 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
<2.0 |
1 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
Intervention Chart |
#F’s |
Eligible |
Probation |
Compete |
Practice |
<2.0 |
2 |
No |
No |
No |
w/ intervention |
Students with 3 or more F’s are not allowed to tryout, practice or compete.
How it works:
- Student athletes on probation or intervention will receive a contract in their classroom during the week the progress report is published. The contract will include when and where the intervention class will take place and the eligibility period.
- Students are to report to the intervention class on the date and time that has been assigned to them. Completed contracts must be turned into the intervention teacher no later than the end of the first week of class.
- If students fail to attend the required class the first day, the student will be asked to the athletics office for a meeting.
- If the student continues to miss the required intervention class, the student will be removed from the team roster and will no longer be eligible to participate with the team.
Residential Eligibility
Bella Vista High School is bound by California Interscholastic Federation residential eligibility rules and regulations. For additional information, please visit: You will need to complete this transfer form and submit it to the Athletic Director to get the CIF transfer process started.
A student has residential eligibility upon initial enrollment in the ninth grade of any California Interscholastic Federation high school. A student retains residential eligibility if continuously enrolled in the CIF member high school of initial enrollment, transfers prior to the first day of the sophomore year or changes schools with a valid change in residence as defined in CIF Bylaws. Any ninth grade student who is transferring for a second time, or any tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade student, who transfers without a valid change of residence, will have limited eligibility for one year from the date of transfer. Any evidence of undue influence (recruiting), academic ineligibility at a previous school or disciplinary reasons for a transfer will impact eligibility at the new school.
The only exceptions to this rule will require documentation of a hardship which is defined as an “unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncorrectable act, condition or event which causes the imposition of a severe and non-athletic burden upon the student/family.” The section and state CIF will review the documentation for a waiver of this rule.
A transfer student shall contact the athletic director or administrator in charge of athletics to determine his/her eligibility status and to complete any necessary forms. No athlete shall participate in competition until all forms have cleared.
Any student whose address has been falsified to achieve residential eligibility will be ineligible in all interscholastic athletic competition for a period of one year from the date the infraction is verified.
If a student and his/her parents move out of the attendance area but the student remains at the school, the student will maintain eligible but should immediately report his/her change of residence to the Attendance Office.
Heat Procedures
San Juan Unified Heat Procedures for Athletic Practice and Contests
Under 95 degrees Heat Index
Provide ample amounts of water. This means that water should always be available and athletes should be able to take in as much water as they desire. Optional water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration. Ice-down towels for cooling. Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action.
95 degrees to 99 degrees Heat Index
Provide ample amounts of water. This means that water should always be available and athletes should be able to take in as much water as they desire. Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration. Ice-down towels for cooling. Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action. Contact sports and activities with additional equipment. Helmets and other possible equipment removed if not involved in contact. Reduce time of outside activity. Consider postponing practice to later in the day. Re-check temperature and humidity every 30 minutes to monitor for increased Heat Index.
100 degrees to 104 degrees Heat Index
All sports - Provide ample amounts of water. This means that water should always be available and athletes should be able to take in as much water as they desire. Mandatory water breaks every 30 minutes for 10 minutes in duration. Ice-down towels for cooling. Watch/monitor athletes carefully for necessary action. Alter uniform by removing items if possible. Allow for changes to dry t-shirts and shorts. Reduce time of outside activity as well as indoor activity if air conditioning is unavailable. Postpone practice to later in day. Contact sports and activities with additional equipment. Helmets and other possible equipment removed if not involved in contact or necessary for safety. If necessary for safety, suspend activity. Re-check temperature and humidity every 30 minutes to monitor for increased Heat Index.
Above 104 degrees Heat Index
Stop all outside activity in practice and/or play, and stop all inside activity if air conditioning is unavailable
Basic Practices you can implement during extreme heat days.
1. Hydrate often, Recommendation – every 15 minutes
2. Tone down the amount of physical activity.
3. If possible cut the amount of physical practice time.
4. Take more breaks than usual.
5. This would be a good time for classroom time. (Part of your practice can be in the classroom)
6. Watch your student athletes closely to make sure they are not overdoing it.
7. Adjust and have a shorter practice time.
Games – Game day possibilities determined by the site, based on the time the temperature and the sport.
1. Reschedule the contest.
2. Running clock- shorten the amount of time the contest is being played.
3. More water breaks, example a referees time half way through each quarter for a water break. Example Football/Soccer
4. Schedule contest later in the evening such as JV 6:00 pm, Varsity 8:15 pm.
5. Change game day strategy- play more athletes so they will each have more down time for rest and hydration time.
6. Cancel the Contest
Scholar Athlete Award
Bella Vista varsity athletes are awarded a Scholar Athlete patch for each season they meet the following criteria when end of season awards are compiled.
1. Athletes must have a cumulative 3.50 (or above) unweighted grade point average as well as a current 3.5 (or above) unweighted GPA on the last progress report. The cumulative GPA is base on cumulative grades of Semesters (or Trimesters) from ninth grade onward. Athletes must finish the season with these minimum requirements.
2. Freshmen are not eligible as the athlete must have at least one year of grades, beginning with the ninth grade, for a cumulative GPA.
3. Athletes who are members of a Varsity Team are eligible for the award.
4. Athletes are awarded a Scholar-Athlete patch for each sport season for which they qualify.
Ticket Prices
Capital Valley Conference
Admission Policy
Adults | $10.00 |
Students of Participating School (with ID) | $7.00 |
Senior Citizens | $7.00 |
Elementary through Middle School | $7.00 |
Pre-school | FREE |
ALL OTHER SPORTS (including Freshman Football)
Adults | $8.00 |
Students of Participating School (with ID) | $5.00 |
Senior Citizens | $5.00 |
Elementary through Middle School | $5.00 |
Pre-school |
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS (Wrestling, Track and Swimming)
Adults | $8.00 |
Students of Participating School (with ID) | $6.00 |
Senior Citizens | $6.00 |
Elementary through Middle School | $6.00 |
Pre-school | FREE |
CVC League Passes will be honored for all contests where a CVC team is playing.
For non-league contests, only league passes for the visiting school shall be honored, no other league pass will be accepted.
Schools must absorb any electronic ticket issue fee.
SportsNet Registration
Athletic Registration Process
Athletes must complete several steps before they can be cleared for athletic participation. Incoming 9th graders will not be able to register on SportsNet until Mid-June.
- The parent and student, together, must complete the online athletic registration and upload or submit a hard copy of the physical form to the Athletics office. Please allow 48 hours after submitting your sports physical to be cleared to participate in tryouts/practice. Registration can be completed by clicking the link below. Please have your student's ID number ready.
A physical examination and doctor’s certification on the SJUSD Physical Exam document are required. Documents generated by your doctor will not be accepted. In order for the student to be accepted for athletics, the physical must be completed after June 1 prior to the school year in which the athlete plans to compete. You need only one physical annually regardless of the number of sports in which you participate. Print one here - Sports Physical Form. Once complete, please upload a copy of the completed physical to the online registration and keep the original for your records. PLEASE DO NOT give completed physicals to the coach.
- Insurance coverage is required to cover possible accidents. You must have medical coverage (at least $1,500). Coverage may be by parent’s private insurance company or school accident insurance policy (
- A student has the opportunity to participate/tryout for a team once all athletic registration components have been submitted and the coach has received the verification clearance from the Athletic Director.
Interest List 9th Graders 2025/2026
Join the interest list for the 2025/2026 Season here.
Fall Sports
* Contact coaches for Pre-season conditioning dates and times. *
Sport |
Coach / Email |
For more information, visit the team's website. |
Cross Country, Girls |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Cross Country, Boys |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Field Hockey |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Flag Football | Jack Horak | |
Football |
Season begins July 29, 2024 |
Golf, Girls |
Tennis, Girls |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Volleyball, Girls |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Water Polo, Boys |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
Water Polo, Girls |
Season begins August 5, 2024 |
* Please note, these sites are not official materials produced by San Juan Unified School District or Bella Vista High School. The District and school maintain no control or responsibility for the content provided on the linked websites.
Winter Sports
* Contact coaches for Pre-season conditioning dates and times.
Sport |
Coach |
Website / Information |
Basketball, Boys |
Season begins Nov 4, 2024 |
Basketball, Girls |
Becky Stewart |
Season begins Nov 4, 2024 |
Soccer, Boys |
Matt Contreras |
Season begins Nov 4, 2024 |
Soccer, Girls | Erin Wright |
Season begins Nov 4, 2024 |
Wrestling |
Season begins Nov 4, 2024 |
* Please note, these sites are not official materials produced by San Juan Unified School District or Bella Vista High School. The District and school maintain no control or responsibility for the content provided on the linked websites.
Spring Sports
* Contact coaches for Pre-season conditioning dates and times.
Sport |
Coach |
Website |
Baseball |
Season begins January 27, 2025
Track |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Lacrosse,Boys |
Jim Goldsmith |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Lacrosse, Girls |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Golf, Boys |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Softball |
Season begins January 27, 2025
Tennis, Boys |
Keith Mickelson |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Swim | Dominic DelliQuadri |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Dive |
Season begins February 10, 2025 |
Volleyball,Boys |
Season begins February 10, 2025
* Please note, these sites are not official materials produced by San Juan Unified School District or Bella Vista High School. The District and school maintain no control or responsibility for the content provided on the linked websites.
Coaches Corner
- Coaches Required Training Courses
- Bus Requests
- Facilities Request
- Injury Report Form
- SportsNet-Coaches Login
- Announcements & Social Media
- Athletic Eligibility
- Transfers
- Student and Athlete Handbooks
- School Year Calendar
- Deadlines
- Bell Schedules/Early Dismissals
- 2024-2025 Sac-Joaquin Section Sport Calendar
- Stipend Payroll Dates
Coaches Required Training Courses
Coaches are required to complete the following courses as part of the clearance process.
Fundamentals of Coaching (complete one time only, $50 fee)
Concussion in Sports - California (renew every two years)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest - California (renew every two years)
Heat Illness Prevention - California (renew every two years)
Football Tackling - California (renew every two years)-football coaches only
Public Works Courses
Course M-394: Child Abuse Reporting — California
CPR/First Aid (every two years)
Must be an in-person class
Classes are hosted at Bella Vista throughout the year, see flyer for more information. To sign up for a class click here.
Water Safety Courses (every two years)
Water safety course is required for swim, dive and water polo coaches
Upcoming class TBD
Bus Requests
Submit transportation requests to the Athletic Secretary prior to the start of your season.
Facilities Request
Athletic Facility Requests
To request space for sports activities, submit a request at least 48 hours prior.
On-Site Meetings/Banquets
To reserve a space for on-site meetings or banquets, you'll need to complete a facilities request form and submit to Jessica Cokinos in our front office.
Injury Report Form
Injury Report Form
All injuries requiring medical attention must be reported to the Athletic Director within 48 hours. Complete an injury report form and email it to the athletic director.
Athletes must have a medical note with clearance before returning to practice and/or compete.
SportsNet-Coaches Login
Bella Vista utilizes SportsNet to manage athletic clearances, team schedules and eligibility. For access to SportsNet, please email the athletic secretary.
Announcements & Social Media
Daily Announcements:
To have a message relayed in our daily announcements please submit your request to our front office.
Social Media:
Our librarian manages the school's social media sites, Bella Vista High School Library.
- If your sport has a social media page, our librarian will follow that page and repost messages to the Bella Vista High School Library pages.
- If you don't have social media page, but would like to post announcements on the Bella Vista High School Library, you'll need to create the graphic with your message and email it to our librarian.
Sharing Athletic Info on BV Social Media
BV Bronco News Flash:
To be included in the weekly BV Bronco News Flash, send your request and/or graphic to
Athletic Eligibility
Academic Eligibility
To encourage and promote academic excellence, all students participating in extracurricular activities shall demonstrate satisfactory minimum progress in meeting the requirements of graduation by undertaking the prescribed course of study and meeting the standards of proficiency established by the District.
The requirement has two elements. To be eligible for participation, the student:
- Must have earned an overall minimum 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 grading scale during the preceding grading period; and
- Must have passed five of six classes (no more than 1 F) during the preceding grading period. Students taking only the minimum number of classes must pass all of their classes to be eligible.
According to the CIF, scholastic eligibility requires the student to pass the equivalent of at least 20 semester periods of work at the completion of the most recent grading period. Weighted grades are not used to calculate eligibility per the CIF Bylaws.
A grading period will constitute an eligibility period. The grade issued at the end of each grading period will be used to determine eligibility.
- For purposes of determining eligibility, a grade of incomplete is computed as an “F” or failure until a letter grade is assigned. When the letter grade is determined, the student’s grade point average is required. Generally, incompletes are only assigned when a student had a long-term illness or after unforeseeable and unpreventable absence from school that prevented the student from completing the assigned work during the grading period.
- For eligibility purposes, once a letter grade is assigned, the grade may be changed only if the person assigning the grade determines that an error was made in computing the grade. If a student requests that a teacher reconsider a grade, the reconsideration must be based on work assigned, due, and completed prior to the end of the grading period. Work submitted or assigned after the end of the grading period may not be used to improve or diminish an assigned grade.
- Schools declare at the beginning of the year the grading periods and eligibility declaration days that they will use. Eligibility will be declared after each school-wide grading period.
A student becomes eligible or ineligible for athletic participation only when declared so by the site Athletic Administrator or site Athletic Director.
The District will follow CIF guidelines and procedures related to the eligibility of continuation/independent study school students returning to a comprehensive high school. Please check with the school’s Athletic Director or Administrator.
Academic Eligibility Calendar
Grading Period |
End of Grading Period |
Grades Checked-Students & Coaches Notified |
Eligibility Period |
Ineligible Students Must Attend Intervention Class Mon-Wed during their open period (zero or 6th). See contract for specific info. |
Semester 2 23/24 |
As soon as rosters are received from coaches-cannot participate in a game until grades are checked. Frosh exempt. |
8/14/24-9/18/24 |
Interim 1 |
Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 |
Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 |
9/23/24-10/23/24 |
9/23/24-10/23/24 |
Interim 2 |
Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 |
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 |
10/28/24-12/04/24 *ineligibility applies during Thanksgiving Break, but no intervention class |
10/28/24-12/04/24 *ineligibility applies during Thanksgiving Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 3 |
Friday, Nov. 22 2024 |
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024 |
12/09/24-1/08/25 *ineligibility applies during Winter Break, but no intervention class |
12/09/24-1/08/25 *ineligibility applies during Winter Break, but no intervention class |
Semester 1 |
Monday, Jan. 2, 2025 |
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025 |
1/13/25-2/26/25 |
1/13/25-2/26/25 |
Interim 4 |
Friday, Feb. 14, 2025 |
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025 |
3/03/25-4/02/25 *ineligibility applies during February Break, but no intervention class |
3/03/25-4/02/25 *ineligibility applies during February Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 5 |
Friday, Mar. 28, 2025 |
Thursday, April 3, 2025 |
4/07/25-5/07/25 *ineligibility applies during Spring Break, but no intervention class |
4/07/25-5/07/25 *ineligibility applies during Spring Break, but no intervention class |
Interim 6 |
Friday, May 2, 2025 |
Thursday, May 8, 2025 |
5/12/25- end of season |
5/12/25-end of season |
Semester 2 |
Tues, June 10, 2025 |
Semester grades will apply to athletes playing a Fall 2025 sport from beginning of the season until the first grading period ends. |
Intervention / Probation
If a student athlete does not meet the required 2.0 GPA with no more than one F grade on their most current progress report, they will automatically be entered into either, our athletic probation program or our athletic intervention program. Students will remain on probation or intervention until the next grading period, regardless of current grades showing in Q. Please see the chart below to determine which program pertains to your student.
Academic Probation
When an athlete becomes eligible for probation they must automatically apply for and take a probation period. Athletes do not have the choice as to when they will take their probation. Any athlete who quits his/her sport during a probation period will be deemed to have used their probation period for that school year and will be ineligible to apply for probation for the remainder of the school year. Probationary athletes must attend intervention class in order to remain eligible to compete with the team.
Academic Intervention
All athletes that are ineligible and do not qualify for probation will not be allowed to compete during the grading period in which they are declared ineligible. Non-probationary athletes must attend intervention class in order to remain eligible to practice with the team.
Probation Chart |
#F’s |
Eligible |
Probation |
Compete |
Practice |
2.0+ |
2 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
<2.0 |
0 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
<2.0 |
1 |
No |
One time |
If on Probation |
w/ intervention |
Intervention Chart |
#F’s |
Eligible |
Probation |
Compete |
Practice |
<2.0 |
2 |
No |
No |
No |
w/ intervention |
Students with 3 or more F’s are not allowed to tryout, practice or compete.
How it works:
- Student athletes on probation or intervention will receive a contract in their classroom during the week the progress report is published. The contract will include when and where the intervention class will take place and the eligibility period.
- Students are to report to the intervention class on the date and time that has been assigned to them. Completed contracts must be turned into the intervention teacher no later than the end of the first week of class.
- If students fail to attend the required class the first day, the student will be asked to the athletics office for a meeting.
- If the student continues to miss the required intervention class, the student will be removed from the team roster and will no longer be eligible to participate with the team.
Residential Eligibility
Bella Vista High School is bound by California Interscholastic Federation residential eligibility rules and regulations. For additional information, please visit: You will need to complete this transfer form and submit it to the Athletic Director to get the CIF transfer process started.
A student has residential eligibility upon initial enrollment in the ninth grade of any California Interscholastic Federation high school. A student retains residential eligibility if continuously enrolled in the CIF member high school of initial enrollment, transfers prior to the first day of the sophomore year or changes schools with a valid change in residence as defined in CIF Bylaws. Any ninth grade student who is transferring for a second time, or any tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade student, who transfers without a valid change of residence, will have limited eligibility for one year from the date of transfer. Any evidence of undue influence (recruiting), academic ineligibility at a previous school or disciplinary reasons for a transfer will impact eligibility at the new school.
The only exceptions to this rule will require documentation of a hardship which is defined as an “unforeseeable, unavoidable and uncorrectable act, condition or event which causes the imposition of a severe and non-athletic burden upon the student/family.” The section and state CIF will review the documentation for a waiver of this rule.
A transfer student shall contact the athletic director or administrator in charge of athletics to determine his/her eligibility status and to complete any necessary forms. No athlete shall participate in competition until all forms have cleared.
Any student whose address has been falsified to achieve residential eligibility will be ineligible in all interscholastic athletic competition for a period of one year from the date the infraction is verified.
If a student and his/her parents move out of the attendance area but the student remains at the school, the student will maintain eligible but should immediately report his/her change of residence to the Attendance Office.
Athletes flagged with a transfer in SportsNet are not eligible to compete until that flag goes away. Check in with the Athletic Department for an update on status.
See the Athletic Eligibility Tab Above and Residential Eligibility for more information.
Student and Athlete Handbooks
School Year Calendar
Deadlines for submitting game schedules-
All home games for the 2024-2025 must be entered into SportsNet by the following dates:
Fall Sports- March 15, 2024
Winter Sports- May 15, 2024
Complete schedule for Fall and Winter sports must be entered into SportsNet by June 25, 2024
For Spring Sports, the complete schedule for the 2024-2025 season must be entered into SportsNet by the following date:
Spring Sports-August 1, 2024
Deadlines for submitting bus requests-
Fall Sports-August 1, 2024
Winter Sports-November 1, 2024
Spring Sports-February 1, 2025
Bell Schedules/Early Dismissals
2024-2025 Sac-Joaquin Section Sport Calendar
Stipend Payroll Dates
Department Contacts
Athletic Director: Becky Stewart
(916) 971-5093
Athletic Secretary: Taja Ferrarini
(916) 971-5035