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2024/2025 Yearbooks


Participating in yearbook is a great way to build media skills and encourage school spirit. The class is open to 10-12 graders.  Students design and produce an annual yearbook that serves as a memory book and historical reference of the school year.  They learn public relations skills and receive educational training in team work and responsibility, business, design and production, promotion sales, experience in journalistic copy writing and meeting deadlines with quality work.  This is an academic elective.

Bella Vista Yearbooks are now available for Pre-sale!
Yearbook pre-sale pricing $70 through 12/31

$80 1/1 until they sell out!

For a limited time, you can purchase a personalized name plate for $5 with your yearbook if you place the order online through the yearbook order center. Offer ends 12/31
Senior Ads will be available starting September 1st. 

Yearbooks can be purchased in the finance office with Cash or Check (BVHS) Checks are not accepted beyond April 14th.
Or Online at through May 10th.  

Use Code: 6038
Or Search: Bella Vista 
(Check for Fair Oaks, CA)

*Our online order system now offers a 4-pay plan through PayPal. 

If you are unsure if you've order a yearbook this current school year, please reach out to 

