Grad Nite
Welcome Class of 2025
Grad Nite 2025 at Disneyland is June 10-12
This is an optional opportunity for BV seniors to take one last trip with their BV Senior friends and make a lifetime of memories. On the following pages you can get more details about what the trip looks like and how to fundraise to offset the cost.
There will be an Information meeting in the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm.
Mandatory meeting for all seniors attending grad nite plus one parent will be held in the spring in the cafeteria in the spring of 2025. Date is TBD.
For information or to register, visit: The deadline to register & pay for Grad Nite is March 1, 2025.
Email with any questions.
Students & parents can download the Talking Points APP to ensure you are receiving all the Grad Nite communications!
Tamale fundraiser begins 1/7-1/29. Checks and order forms are due to the office by 1/29. Families will need to pick up their tamales and deliver their own orders. The pick up date is in the afternoon at Bella Vista on Wednesday, 2/12.