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Senior Year

All info on this image is repeated below in text form.

Visit the College and Career Center (CCC)

The CCC is a great space to start exploring options after graduation.  You will find info about colleges, branches of the military, scholarships, job opportunities, test prep materials and more.  The CCC is open daily during lunch time.

Determine if the career your are interested in requires a college degree.

Narrow your list and determine a career/college path.

Meet with military recruiters and take the ASVAB


Naviance College Super Match. 20 Questions to Ask a College Rep

Continue and finalize your college search by meeting w/ reps, attending college fairs, visiting campuses and exploring

Start researching scholarship opportunities
Mark your calendar and know admission deadlines
Create your career/college resume and practice interviewing skills.
Ask for letters of recommendations = teachers, community members, employers, etc…
Order transcripts to be sent to your college choice.
Take all AP tests and designate where scores should be sent.
Continue to challenge yourself academically.  Do not slack now!



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